Ever wondered about what it would be like to go after your dream job?
Or maybe you've wondered what the heck your dream job would be! And how can you try out these ideas without leaving your job on a whim?!
Well, I stumbled on the coolest idea and a great option in the March 27, 2006 issue of People. You can actually read quite a few stories about Vocation Vacations, started in 2004, if you Google the company name. Or just visit their website. Here is their overview... Please return here and add a Comment below... would love to hear your reaction! What excites me most is the entrepreneurial creativity of creating a business that comes from people's need for help in making decisions! What will they think of next.... hmmm, what will YOU think of next!
Vocation Vacations offers vacation packages that start at about $300 per day. I did a search at that price level and found opportunities to go be a Bed & Breakfast Owner in Arch Cape, OR, in Santa Fe, NM, or Richford, VT, an Animal Therapist in West Palm Beach, FL, and a Cheese Maker in Seattle, WA. In addition to booking vacations, they offer a team of coaches and career and skill assessments at 50% discount through My Golden Career. Oh, and there will be a TV show based on this business. Follow the link below to read more.
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