In my work with a client recently we talked about the overwhelm of how to build her business during the tougher economic climate we find ourselves in. She wanted answers on how to get clients and what to do first. “I want a plan, a step-by-step-plan!”
We arrived at the realization that when action is derived from a sense of sacred purpose, from inspiration, then the exact approach and steps don’t matter. When you act from your heart and your mission, answers will come to you and people will magically cross your path. All that matters is having a mission and asking people, "How can I help?" knowing you can!
I shared the reading below with my client and she just HAD to have a copy. And so I am sharing it with all of you to help you see how to take action from inspiration. The source is Abraham Hicks. I've offered some inspiring music to accompany these words below.
Let me be a catalyst for you. Let me help you take the leap into inspired action.
I have been reading these words to myself each day this week. See if this speaks to you in the same powerful way it speaks to me. This has helped me to complete a proposal for business that I have procrastinated on out of fear. When I focused only on the WHAT I want and WHY for the sake of others, the approach just came to me! This reading brought me to action and the truth of who I am and what I have to offer.
Print this out and keep it near your workspace. While you read these words online, go and listen to the most amazing and emotion-filled recording of Somewhere Over the Rainbow I've ever heard, Eva Cassidy, (Click on below). Source of music is from my good buddy, Adela Rubio. Source of the reading is
“Yes, act all you want – after you have flowed Energy towards the outcome that you seek. Let your action be inspired action, not motivated action.
Motivated action is doing it because there is lack if you don’t. Motivated action is trying to overcome something. Motivated action is very often trying to perform action that someone else wants you to perform. ‘
Let all of your action be inspired action. So how do you do that? You do that by talking about WHAT you want and WHY you want it. That will bring you to the vibrational connection with who you are, and from that place, you will be inspired to the How, and the Who, and the When, and the Where.” Abraham - G 2/6/93
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