Below is a recording of the radio show where Gail was interviewed on overcoming obstacles on Unity FM on their weekly live show called "Good Business." The live broadcast was on November 30, 2009. A description of the show and the hosts is summarized below or read more here For a period of time the show will be in Unity.FM's archives.
Interview Description: Obstacle Busting
Chief Obstacle Buster Gail Sussman Miller joins hosts Charlotte and Martha for this “inspired” episode. Gail founded “Inspired Choice” to empower people to live to their potential from choice rather than obligation. Her gift is teaching people how to love business obstacles and overcome them with greater ease, less stress and more success. Tune in to learn more about her four-step obstacle-busting process.
This opportunity just fell in Gail's lap because of how and who she was being while communicating with the manager of the internet site to get help. It was how she asked for help on a website that wasn't as intuitive or user-friendly as it could be, without blaming. And her gratitude for the help received. It is so wonderful when synchronicity like this happens! The manager, Denise, acted on an impulse or prompting to investigate Gail's job title, Chief Obstacle Buster, and that curiosity led to a good fit for this radio show!
The Good Business show's mission is so moving and contributes to the good fit with Gail's mission of increasing self- and other-acceptance (l-o-v-e) by bringing spirit into the business world.
Good Business Show Mission: "In this time of spiritual awakening on our planet, the key to the success of any business is to learn the spiritual tools that will inspire and motivate employees at the soul level. Here at Unity, we call it “Good Business.” Join Dr. Charlotte Shelton, president and CEO of Unity, and Dr. Martha Lynn, vice president of SpiritPath at Unity Village, as they talk with innovative thought leaders who are successfully bringing Spirit into the workplace. Developing the spiritual potential of our workplace will help us engage the human spirit and inspire employees to live their best life while contributing to the success of the company’s bottom line."
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