Are you a job seeker, entrepreneur or intrapreneur* who knows networking is a critical tool for success BUT you...
- Are shy or introverted and can't comfortably start conversations?
- Lack discipline and focus on your career and business development?
- Feel too beaten down and discouraged by this market or your last job to promote yourself?
- Find it hard to ask for introductions/help without feeling pushy?
- Don't like (even hate) networking and don't know what to say?
If you answered yes to any of these, and you are a career or business builder who is serious and committed to showing up literally and figuratively to increase your success, you are in the right place!
"How to Love Networking Group" for Job Seekers, Entrepreneurs, Intrapreneurs* (*intrapreneurs demonstrate leadership from inside a company!)
What is the How to Love Networking Group? Attend 6 weekly one-hour group calls delivering learning, obstacle-busting, community, concrete techniques, and lovingly firm accountability to get your career and business-building on track with mission-driven networking. In a safe, confidential, surprisingly intimate virtual environment you will increase your confidence, effectiveness and results by operating as a natural extension of who you are and what you love to do. This group is led by a highly-skilled, motivating and inspiring coach and trainer.
Group forming soon! (Email [email protected] for details)
- WEEK 1. Gain confidence and comfort, overcome fear, with "How to Love Networking" workshop, delivered with powerful results over 70 times to date, to transfer skills and success from something you love to networking. ($100 value)
- WEEK 2. Develop a mission-driven mindset and get in action for the sake of others to minimize the "ick factor" of promoting your Self. Increase ability to ask for introductions and do follow-up.
- WEEK 3. Identify and clearly articulate your WHO and WHAT; who you serve and outcomes you deliver.
- WEEK 4. Create more meaningful conversations, uncover hidden opportunities by being consultive, other-oriented, seeking agreement, suspending judgment. Show up, speak up, get hired.
- WEEK 5. Learn how to leverage LinkedIn to start conversations and be real in virtual world
- WEEK 6. Integrate learning into a S.M.A.R.T. marketing plan and mindful new habits of thought and behavior
What is included?
- 6 weekly one-hour conference calls with training, individual coaching, accountability, community and support. (Call-in number and PIN provided upon registration.)
- Mondays 12-1:00 pm CST on June 21, 28, July 12, 19, 26, August 2 (w/holiday break)
- Group is limited to 10 members
- Recorded calls to re-visit material or if you miss a call.
- Between session "homework" to integrate learning, access to your coach
- One 30-minute individual coaching session offered at 50% usual rate
Simone Peer, Evolutionary Coach |
Cost. $200 one-time 100% satisfaction guaranteed payment (BNC members - use code for 15% discount) Group forming soon! (Email [email protected] for details)
Your Inspired Choice Leader. Gail Sussman Miller teaches job-seekers, entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs how to love career and business-building obstacles so they can reach their goals with less stress and more success for over 7 years. She delivers creative "How to Love" obstacle-busting workshops in person and by phone. She is an affiliate coach for Coach Effect, Nightingale Conant, The Habit Change Company and her own Inspired Choice. Gail's approach is a refreshing combination of holistic big-picture spiritually inspired thinking and practical, hard-learned techniques. Gail is your lovingly firm champion, leader and teacher.
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